Week 7 was important as all of our leaders met off campus for our Annual Leadership Professional Learning Symposium (ALPLS). The ALPLS is a professional learning opportunity for all leaders within the school, and is an important function in setting the work goals and strategies each year for the Academy. The Symposium enables professional development and intentional collaboration between pastoral leaders and the curriculum leaders, to ensure alignment in delivering the Annual Implementation Plan. It is crucial to ensure precision in our work and this can be achieved through the leader's individual Project Plans and Annual Implementation Plans, which outline their actions and accountabilities for the year. It is incredible to see the work that goes into the Project Plans and AIPs, and every year I am so proud of the work we collectively engage in. This year we focussed on our new Strategic Plan and specifically two of our Annual Implementation Plan goals. One area of the 2022 Student School Opinion Survey we were concerned with was middle school classroom climate and it's positive or negative impact on student wellbeing. After significant investigation and research, we set the following 2023 goals, 'Implement ESCMs as a tool for promoting positive classroom practices' and 'Provide PD for ESCM and Classroom Profiling'. ESCM is an acronym for Essential Skills for Classroom Management. ESCM outlines positive, effective and pro-active strategies for maintaining a supportive school environment implemented via the classroom. https://classroomprofiling.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/07/Essential-Skills-2021.pdf. All leaders have now been trained in Classroom Profiling which provides a mechanism for teachers to self-reflect on their classroom practices. We are looking forward to the positive professional growth and impact on our students flourishing.