SuperComputing (SC) is an international conference for High Performance Computing (HPC), Networking, Storage and Analysis and brings together the international supercomputing community – a gathering of scientists, engineers, researchers, educators, programmers, system administrators and developers that is unequalled around the world. It aims to spotlight and showcase the most advanced scientific and technical applications in the world. The SC Exhibition Hall features exhibits of the latest and greatest technologies from industries, academia and government research organisations; many of these technologies will be seen for the first time. Students will be able to attend a series of sessions which are of interest to them, surrounding the topics of HPC. Other highlights will include keynote lectures by prominent researchers and the exhibition hall, where hundreds of research and industry exhibitors who have a legacy for debuting the most advanced innovations in HPC.
Learning Experiences and Outcomes
SuperComputing aims to provide students with opportunities to effectively communicate with experts in HPC, conduct primary research, make cross-cultural connections with likeminded individuals, and provide inspiration for the continuing study of Computer Science and/or ITGS in their senior years. The students who attend will be our leaders for our emerging HPC program at QASMT.
QASMT has a very active robotics program where students learn to build and program robots, as well as compete in various competitions throughout the year. The program is designed for all students and caters for the range of expertise and experience, from beginners to seasoned competitors. Our program is also designed for our students to share their learning through outreach programs.