Academic Progression Policy
We offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years and the Diploma Programme and an academically challenging and balanced curriculum. Both are internationally recognised, pre-university level qualifications that allows students to develop excellent breadth and depth of knowledge.
Download the Academic progression policy (PDF, 276KB)
Academic Integrity Policy
We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice and we respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.
Download the Academic integrity policy (PDF, 200KB)
Assessment Policy
The Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology is committed to learning. Our Academy believes that all students are able to succeed and achieve excellence.
Download the Assessment Policy (PDF, 4901KB)
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy
BYOD stands for Bring Your Own Device. Students attending QASMT are required to bring their own IT device to school as part of their enrolment agreement.
The BYOD requirements, including a list of approved specified IT devices and requirements for instruction at QASMT, is available in the Bring your own Device Information booklet (PDF, 724KB).
A copy of this information booklet is sent to all families as part of the full enrolment pack.
Complaints Management Policy
The Academy ensures that all complaints are dealt with in a fair and equitable manner. We encourage open lines of communication between the Academy and families.
Download the Complaints management policy (PDF, 1.2MB)
Discrimination, Harassment and Victimisation Policy
The purpose of this policy is to set standards and guidelines of behaviour for members of the school community at the Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology that are consistent with the values, policies and legislation of the Queensland Government.
Download the Discrimination, Harassment and Victimisation policy (PDF, 285 KB)
Dress Code Policy
The Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology is a uniform school and all students are required to wear the school uniform. To ensure a sense of belonging, our dress code is inclusive in language and choice. We believe that providing inclusive and flexible uniform options, is a critical step in allowing personal preference and preventing discrimination on the basis of gender or cultural identity.
Download the Dress Code Policy (PDF, 1.01 MB)
Enrichment and Student Leadership Policy
We value student's involvement in enrichment activities. We believe participation develops skills and provides experience that will enhance their education. Participation in enrichment activities and school representation is a privilege that is reliant on students meeting Academies' high expectations with regard to academic progress attendance, effort and behaviour. This policy also includes information of importance for students requesting leave during term time. There are a number of enrichment activities that will require approval in order to participate.
Download the Enrichment and Student Leadership Policy (PDF, 241KB)
Evidence of Learning
We set high standards for the work that students produce. Well-presented Evidence of Learning is a valuable aspect of the teaching - learning process. It reflects a student's willingness to strive for excellence and a high level of participation in their own learning. A policy which seeks to define expected standards throughout the school is essential if high standards are to be achieved and maintained.
Download the Evidence of learning policy (PDF, 598KB)
Explicit Improvement Agenda
“Inspiring great minds through the provision of a world-class education that nurtures personal excellence and develops young people who are able to contribute positively to an ever-changing world”
Download the Explicit Improvement Agenda 2024 (PDF, 305.95KB)
Gender Diversity Policy
All members of our school community have the right to feel safe, be respected and free from discrimination based on gender, language, sexual orientation, culture, ethnicity, religion, health, disability or socioeconomic background. At QASMT we acknowledge our diversity and respect all students and their choice to live
authentically in their chosen gender identity.
Home Learning Policy
Home learning raises standards of achievement and attainment in secondary school students by reinforcing, practising and extending upon work completed in lessons, and is crucial in the development of effective study skills, and fostering good habits for life-long learning.
Download the Home learning policy (PDF, 277KB)
Inclusion and Equity Policy
With the vision of a
“world-class education that nurtures excellence and fosters global citizenship
for an ever-changing world”, the Queensland Academy of Science Mathematics and
Technology (QASMT) is committed to providing a learning environment which
supports and maximises academic and personal success for all our students.Download the Inclusion and Equity Policy.pdf (PDF, 1.4MB)
Language Policy
Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology is an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School. We create a challenging and motivating multilingual environment where the language of instruction is English. We view language as a tool for making meaning in the world.
Download the Language policy (PDF, 464KB)
Managing Student Attendance Policy
The Academy expects students to be in full time attendance at school every day during the school year and punctuality and reliability is expected. Consistent attendance at school is a significant factor in achieving better academic and social outcomes. New concepts and skills are taught and reinforced each day by the teachers. If students miss the introduction of the reinforcement of these concepts and skills, they are likely to have gaps in their learning.
Download the Managing student attendance policy (PDF, 514KB)
Preventing and Managing Bullying Policy
Download the Preventing and managing bullying policy (PDF, 693KB)
Restrictive Practices Policy and Procedure
Download the Restrictive Practices Policy.pdf (PDF, 346KB)
Responsible use of Technology and Social Media Policy
We use technology as a tool to support our mission of ensuring that all students meet high academic standards and are prepared for lifelong learning and productive global citizenship. Every user needs technology skills and knowledge to succeed as an effective and productive citizen.
Download the Appropriate Use of Social Media Policy.pdf (PDF, 230KB)
Download the Responsible use of mobile phones and other devices policy (PDF, 355KB)
School Travel Policy
We recognise the need for a policy that governs student travel and movement to and from school. This is particularly important at a school like QASMT where many students travel a longer distance in order to attend school. Our School Travel Policy clearly details school expectations, as well as the responsibilities of students, parents and caregivers and the school with respect to safe and responsible travel to and from school.
Download the School travel policy (PDF, 878)
Student Awards Handbook
Celebration of student excellence, achievement and effort is an important aspect of Academy life. Throughout the year, QASMT acknowledges and rewards student diligence and academic achievement through sustained effort across their studies.
Student Code of Conduct
We are committed to a safe, respectful and disciplined learning environment for students and staff, where students have opportunities to engage in quality learning experiences and acquire values supportive of their lifelong wellbeing.
Download the Student Code of Conduct 2025-2029 (PDF, 2.27MB)
Sun Safety Policy
We are committed to helping students realise the importance of properly protecting their skin and educate them about Sun Smart behaviour, thus reducing the risk of skin damage from exposure to the sun.
Download the Sun Safety Guidelines (PDF, 66KB)
Download the Sun Safety Policy (PDF, 186KB)
Temporary Removal of Student Property Policy and Procedure
Download the Temporary removal of student property policy and procedure (PDF, 337KB)