Binglin Song

Congratulations to 2021 graduate and Silver Academic Excellence Award recipient, Binglin Song, for achieving a perfect IB score of 45/45. Binglin was part of the Wind Orchestra at QASMT and participated in the State Honours Ensemble Program in 2020. He also completed his Certificate III in Laboratory skills and Certificate II in Measurement and Sampling at TAFE Queensland.
Binglin says that studying subjects from varying disciplines at QASMT allowed him to diversify his knowledge and discover new interests. Some of his more memorable experiences were the extracurricular activities, such as camp and athletics carnivals. These activities not only sparked friendly competition but also offered some fun and relaxation during the most stressful times. He recollects that "perhaps the most fun I have had during my time at QASMT was the Ski Trip. Skiing down the slopes of Mt Kosciuszko with my friends is undoubtedly one of my most cherished memories."
Academic highlights were the Group 4 Project he completed in Year 11 which allowed him and his peers to share their passion in science to younger students. Completing the Extended Essay as part of the IB programme, Binglin observed "has made me appreciate the rigorous nature of scientific experimentation." Binglin particularly enjoyed economics, mathematics and biology at QASMT, and he would like to pursue these interests further in university.
Nicholas O ll
021 QASMT graduate and Service Academy Captain, Nicholas O’Neill, has also achieved many awards during his time at QASMT, such as The University of Queensland Year 12 Create Change award, and was an invited member of the QASMT Honours program (top 5% of students). Nicholas was awarded QASMT’s highest honour for academic and personal integrity, the Platinum (Summa Cum Laude) Award.
As 2021 Service Academy Captain, Nicholas fundraised for Jeans for Genes Day to help support those fighting childhood cancer, and organised Anti-bullying Day to educate about 'bystanderism'. Further, he organised QASMT’s Pride Week.
Nicolas is most passionate about, “helping others and making the world a better place. I am interested in a career in nursing or midwifery where I get to actively help people and take care of those in need. In the future, I will be happy if I have been able to further my knowledge and used it to help make the world a more welcoming place which celebrates diversity.”
Tiana Sarjito

2021 QASMT graduate, Tiana Sarjito scored an amazing 44/45 IB score after consistently being awarded Gold and Silver Academic Excellence Awards, and was a valued member of QASMT’s acclaimed volleyball team (which won Silver at the Australian Volleyball School’s Cup).
In her spare time, Tiana volunteers at Samford (horse) Riding for the Disabled. Tiana’s dream for the future is, “to study Dentistry and I’m hoping to one day open my own practice. At some point in my career, I would also like to be involved in research into different and emerging technologies that improve dental treatments. By focusing on international mindedness and effective communication, I feel that the IB Diploma has prepared me really well, not only for working with patients, but also later on for collaborating with experts from across the globe.”
Vismaya Damodaran
Congratulations to 2021 QASMT graduate, Vismaya Damodaran on her wonderful IB score of 44/45. She also has an extensive list of outstanding achievements, notably, QASMT’s highest honour, the Platinum (Summa Cum Laude) Award for outstanding academic results and exceptional personal integrity.
Vismaya was also invited to the Honours program at QASMT (top 5% of students).
Her competition achievements are numerous and include: High Distinctions in the International Chemistry Quiz, Australian National Chemistry Quiz, Australian Mathematics Competition (placing in the top 1% of Australia), and Distinctions in the Australian Chemistry Olympiad, Australian Biology Olympiad, ICAS (International Competitions and Assessments for Schools) English and Science; and a Distinction in the Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC).
As a Mathematics Academy Ambassador in 2021, Vismaya helped organise the QASMT Pi Day and STRM (Science, Technology, Robotics and Mathematics) Week.
Vismaya aspires to have a career incorporating her distinct strengths in Science and Mathematics and after QASMT intends, “to pursue medicine in university and become a specialist. In 10 years from now, I hope to have solidified my passion in these subjects and be a medical specialist who has/can in some way contribute to improving the medical field.”
Edward Chou
2021 QASMT graduate, Edward Chou, participated in The University of Queensland's Young Leaders Conference where he learnt valuable leadership skills. Edward was awarded QASMT's highest honour for academics and personal integrity, the Platinum (Summa Cum Laude) Award, and was also invited to the Honours program at QASMT (top 5% of students). It is no doubt on top of all of this he scored a well earned IB score of 45/45.
While at QASMT, Edward volunteered through the Environmental Club and helped care for the Vera Street Community Garden. He believes the unique balance of IB CAS (Creativity, Activity and Service) and his specialised studies has helped broaden his vision and he has learnt lifelong skills in organisation.
Edward has a strong interest in the field of Engineering and Information Technology and he aspires to study Mining Engineering at university. Once Edward has completed his degree he wishes to pursue this as his career and progress to a position whereby he can contribute to a better world by making mineral extractions a more sustainable activity.
Hayden Greer

With an impressive IB score of 45/45, 2021 QASMT graduate, Gold Academic Excellence Award recipient and Science Ambassador, Hayden Greer graduates with a plethora of achievements. For the International Earth Science Olympiad alone his awards include: first out of 185 global participants in the Individual Test; Excellence-Gold in the National Team Presentation on Microplastics in Playgrounds; Excellence-Gold as part of an International Team on Carbon Capture; and Excellence-Gold as part of an International Team on Mission to Mars. In addition Hayden received, both highly acclaimed, the Peter Doherty Outstanding Senior STEM Student award and the ADF Long Tan Youth Leadership and Teamwork award.
His other competition achievements include: International Science Schools Fair (ISSF) – Best Social Inspiration in Physics; regional first and national finalist at the RACI Titration competition; UQ Junior Physics Olympiad; State Honours Ensemble program (Violin); third prize in the Queensland Robocup Junior Rescue Maze; and third prize for the Science Teachers Association of Queensland (STAQ) science poster presentation.
Hayden was a member of the Chamber Strings and Piano Quartet, as well as the Senior A Debating, Astrophysics and Lawn Bowls clubs. He shared his knowledge mentoring with the Astronomy and Physics Olympiad clubs and Robotics. During his role as Science Ambassador, he presented at Café Scientifique and the QASMT Science Research Exhibition.
As one would expect after reading about his extensive accomplishments, Hayden intends to pursue a career in STEM, combining his interests in Physics, Earth Science and Robotics.
Brian Ding
Wonderful news for 2021 QASMT graduate, Brian Ding, scoring a fantastic 43/45 IB Score. Brian has personified the word 'all-rounder' during his time at QASMT. He entertained his peers and teachers alike, performing with friends during Harmony Week and serenading them during the Valentine's Day activities. Brian was awarded QASMT's highest honour for academics and personal integrity, the Platinum (Summa Cum Laude) Award.
Brian with the help of his team, achieved a bronze medal at the National Round of Ozclo as well as leading the Senior Boys Badminton team to a premiership victory as Captain.
Brian's interests have always been in the field of mathematics and business, so he is hoping to continue his studies with the Bachelor of Advanced Finance and Economics at the University of Queensland.
Jerica Nieva

With an impressive IB score of 43/45, 2021 QASMT graduate, Service Ambassador and Silver Academic Excellence Award recipient, Jerica Nieva was one of only 13 students selected to travel to Japan to directly experience Japan's STEM facilities, education and culture. She participated in a QUT STEM internship along with a SPARQ-ed immersion, Brisbane Girls Debating Association competitions and the Royal Australian Chemical Titration Competition.
Jerica has generously shared her knowledge by coaching QASMT middle years debaters and facilitating an OptiMinds team, as well as mentoring primary school students in QASMT's Young Einstein Club. She has also volunteered for Zonta International, and is an active member of QASMT's Environmental, Leos and Plastic Oceans clubs.
Jonathan Basri
2021 QASMT graduate, Production Ambassador and Silver Academic Excellence Award recipient, Jonathan Basri credits his IB education for developing his critical thinking and sense of global citizenship. Congratulations of your terrific IB score of 43/45.
Jonathan was part of the winning Open Boys Badminton team at the 2021 Gala Day, and as well as being a keen musician in QASMT's Wind Ensemble and Big Band, Jonathan volunteered with Zonta International. Jonathan plans to undertake a dual degree in Engineering and Mathematics at university, majoring in Aerospace Engineering. He has always had a keen interest in aerospace, particularly looking at spacecrafts and their propulsions systems and mechanics. His dream has been further catalysed due to the recent progressions in the aerospace sector, particularly in the design and testing of new generational spacecrafts, such as the Space Launch System (SLS), Falcon 9 and the Starship rocket. He aspires to work in this particular sector, especially in the development and design of higher efficiency propulsion engines for future spacecrafts.
Congratulations Jonathan, we can see you are headed to infinity and beyond!
Ian Van Wyk
Congratulations to our 2021 QASMT graduate and Silver Academic Excellence Award recipient, Ian Van Wyk for scoring an impressive 43/45 IB score. Ian was able to travel (pre Covid-19) during his education at QASMT on a STEM tour of the USA. This trip was an experience he says he will never forget - being able to view and discuss the second largest particle accelerator in Chicago and a private tour of the Media Lab research facility at MIT in Boston. In fact, Ian was the lead organiser of the Media Lab trip for his group with the MIT researchers.
Ian's other achievements during his time at QASMT include: representing QASMT at the Metropolitan West Mathematics Team Challenge; achieving one of the highest final scores for the WRIT1999 course across QASMT's participants in 2020; and offering tutoring for various subjects to support his peers. He volunteered for Leos Club, fundraising and supporting various charities around Brisbane. Ian was also a member of the QASMT touch football team.
Ian enjoys the practical side of research and study, and has set his sights on becoming a Chemical Engineer, to focus on his interest in Mathematics and Physics. However, Ian says that he is open to further learning and engaging, and seeing where else his first career goal will lead him.
Katherine Jiao
Congratulations to our 2021 QASMT graduate and Bronze Academic Excellence Award recipient, Katherine Jiao on her great IB score of 41/45. Katherine was also The Arts leadership team Captain. As The Arts Captain, she helped organise The Arts Showcase, including emceeing the event and organising the seating arrangements (never an easy task!) Katherine also 'spread the QASMT love', aiding in the organisation of the annual Valentine's Day celebrations. She led a group of altruistic young leaders who decorated the school with Valentine's Day inspired décor. Katherine was a participant on the (pre Covid-19) QASMT USA STEM tour and her most memorable experience was visiting the Metropolitan Museum of Arts in New York City.
Her achievements are varied and numerous and include: State Honours Ensemble Program (SHEP); Certificate III in Laboratory Skills (TAFE); Certificate II in Sampling and Measurement (TAFE); Certificate of Performance for flute (AMEB); Certificate of Performance for violin (AMEB); High Distinction for ICAS Maths in 2019; Start QUT program participant for Economics and Physics; Wind Orchestra 2019-2021; Chamber Strings 2020-2021; Chamber Orchestra in 2021; and the tennis team for Gala Day.
Katherine has always loved thinking mathematically and she is keen to learn more skills that she can integrate into a real-life context, such as Engineering and Actuarial Science.