T, Lana W, Richard C, Henry N, Toson A-T, Aratrik S, Tom W and Hetvi P have
been chosen to attend the 2022 QUT Future You STEM Summit due to their
outstanding academic achievement and passion in the fields of science,
technology, engineering and mathematics. They will join a select group of high
achieving students from across Queensland and northern NSW in a four-day
on-campus program that will provide them with an engaging and inspirational
experience in the fields of STEM. The students will get a taste of first-year
university life, and work together with other senior students, as well as
academics and QUT students, in an internship placement or STEM taster
practicals. All students will take part in interactive sessions that will
unpack the importance of a STEM mindset, with the help of industry speakers,
and look at future job opportunities. Congratulations to all these students,
and a big thank you to their supporting teachers who provided well deserved
recommendations for their applications.