Two short weeks in a row have got the better of me and as such I will be covering both weeks in my Blog. It was an honour to be a VIP at the Toowong ANZAC Dawn Service, which was a very moving tribute to those who have lost their lives for us. It was also wonderful to see so many of our students attend with some of their parents. Thank you to Jenny, Uhansa, Baran, Charlie, Alea, Lana, Nashonie and Gavin for representing QASMT.

Thursday was a big day commencing with the student vs staff basketball. This was one game that I was definitely not going to play in. The students put up a great fight but victory finally went to the teachers.

Congratulations to all players and supporters. Thursday afternoon was met with great excitement at the inaugural Miskin Cup. There was an amazing turnout by QASMT supporters and our football team did us proud by winning 3 to 2. Congratulations to all our players and our wonderful supporters.

The QASMT spirit is well and truly thriving. This week I had my regular Captains meeting and as always, we had some great discussion. I am blessed to work alongside such inspirational young people (Lana, Baran, Charlie and Alea). Our students are leading a cross Academies discussion group with the goal of organising some cross Academies events. They have lots of ideas and I am looking forward to seeing these events come to fruition. A focus of Principal/Captains our meetings is student agency and our Captains have shown great leadership in this area.

Currently under discussion is ChatGPT, IB terminology, Music Room access at lunch, Mother's Day and Father's Day, the busyness of the Research Centre and the possibility of a Year 12 alternative Study Space. Planning for the Festival of Creativity is now well underway. This week I met with the planning team to discuss the vision and logistics of the event. It is shaping up to be our biggest and best festival ever. Thanks to Winand and all our parents who are supporting the event, our staff, Paul (AV), Greg (Music), Renee (Arts), Fiona (comms) and Kirsten (oversight) and the many students who are assisting with the organisation of the event. Keep a look out for ticket purchases, 9 June, a night not to be missed.