This week provided me the opportunity to run the ARC meeting and what a joy it was to see the students work together. Student agency is a very important aspect of student leadership and I value my regular meetings with the school captains. This term we have worked together to achieve the following:
I regularly meet with Councillor James Mackay to discuss local issues and in particular address concerns for QASMT students and/or parents. Our meeting was very productive resulting in the creation of a transport Working Group, monitoring of the overcrowding of S744 by TransLink which will hopefully result in an additional bus service and opportunities to enhance our relationship with Vera Street garden. Thanks to James for his ongoing support of QASMT.
Following on from my blog in Week 7, as part of the Essential Skills for Classroom Management (ESCM) training, I visited Mr Marc Wheeler's PEP class to practice my classroom profiling abilities. I found this to be an extremely worthwhile experience and look forward to profiling more classes in term 2.

Eight QASMT leaders attended the Annual International Baccalaureate Global Conference held in Adelaide. The 2023 IB Conference theme was Education for an Inclusive Future and the conference is the ultimate opportunity for educators to learn from experts, share their own experiences and network with colleagues from all over the world.
Our very own Jane Manwaring, Director of Inclusion and Wellbeing and Stacy Wallace-Cunningham, Da Vinci House Dean were invited to participate as panel members in the Inclusive Education and Wellbeing Cross-Programme Q&A. Jane and Stacy were able to share their knowledge, strategies and expertise on Wellbeing and Inclusion at QASMT.
Whilst I couldn't personally attend the conference, I had the opportunity to virtually attend the Australasia Heads of Schools Network session. The session was very informative, including information regarding the IB's position on Artificial Intelligence.