Cross Country
This Wednesday, the QASMT campus was transformed into a 2km circuit for our yearly Cross Country event. Our school was bursting with our vibrant house colours, as our students raced through the circuit to score points for their house. The day consisted of music, teamwork activities and games, and a great selection of food available at the Leo's BBQ.
Each year as I judge the War Cry Competition, I am blown away with the creativity, house spirit and comradery displayed. The winning house was bold, loud, enthusiastic and slick with their routine. Congratulations to Da Vinci house! Your War Cry was simply outstanding!

Congratulations to the overall carnival winners, Agnesi house! Agnesi brought their A game with their extraordinary level of participation, and eagerness to win attitude. Well done to all of our students who ran the Cross Country course and participated in the activities throughout the day.

I'd like to thank our amazing EOTC Department for creating such a fun and memorable event, as well as our outstanding House Deans and staff members for their efforts on the day. I would like to also give a special thanks to the Leo's Club for hosting a delicious BBQ. This year's Cross Country was certainly one to remember.

Lantern Festival
On Thursday, we celebrated Lantern Festival, a wonderful celebration organised by the Asian Languages department. Celebrating the final day of the traditional Chinese New Year, students were able to participate in the custom of crafting lanterns that held riddles to be answered. Red lanterns symbolise the coming of good fortunes, so here's to a great rest of 2024.

Clean Up Australia Day
Sustainability and protecting our environment are extremely important priorities at our school. It warms my heart to see the huge turnout of volunteers on Friday to help with the Clean Up Australia Day event. QASMT had students across the entire campus and in the surrounding Toowong Creek collecting rubbish. I would like to thank each and every one of our student volunteers for generously giving their time to assist with looking after our school environment.