
Principal Blog - Week 1, Term 4


The start of the final semester of 2023 has begun!

I'm thrilled to welcome you back for Term 4, and hope you enjoyed your holidays. This semester always seems to fly by, and I hope that everyone, along with myself, savours all that is to come in the next nine weeks.

The first Week back meant we got straight into the action, with Commencement Assembly, Chess Tournament and World Teacher's Day. For a number of our students and staff, this first week was also filled with sharing tales from a recent overseas journey.

STEM Language Tours
Over the holidays approximately 2/3rd of our Year 11 cohort participated in our international STEM Language Tours, one to Japan and the other to Europe. I was fortunate to find myself on the European leg.

Our STEM in European Languages Tour 2023 was the third European Study Tour, and 5th international Study Tour to be conducted at QASMT. Our tour allows students to access the life, culture and languages of Europe in a first-hand, hands-on experience. Our goal was for each and every student to return home at the end of the tour more informed, with improved, if not advanced skills to engage and enhance their community and daily life. I believe this was certainly achieved. To improve the extension and immersive experience, our students visited the country of the language they are studying. Ultimately, this provided a more enriching immersion for our students to directly participate in the language and culture they're interested in.

Europe Tour.pngOur tour lasted for 20 days and began in England, before our students split into three groups between Rome, Bordeaux and Berlin.  Students attended language lessons and also visited the sites of the great cities in which they were sojourning. Our groups reunited in Geneva, and visited either the world-class CERN science lab or the United Nations. Our last few days were spent in Paris, the city of lights. This tour along with cultural exposure, inspired science students to explore a number of different directions through experiencing applied sciences, and exploring various scientific aspects in different countries.

Lifetime memories were created for both our students and our teachers. The highlight for me was getting to know our students outside the classroom and to have the privilege of spending quality time with both our students and our teachers. Whilst the tour can be at times very tiring, for me professionally and personally the rewards outweigh any lack of sleep. I would like to thank the 82 wonderful students who participated and congratulate them on making the tour so enjoyable. I will certainly miss spending quality time with my group. I would also like to thank our teachers who did an awesome job of chaperoning. You are all champions.

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Commencement Assembly
I always love witnessing the students reunite at the Commencement Assembly, I feel it really sets the tone for the Term. It's an opportunity to highlight upcoming events, share special announcements, and honour student accomplishments. During this assembly, we also revealed the house rankings, with Da Vinci securing the top spot.


Chess Tournament
This week we had our first chess tournament of the year. As a big fan of the Queen's Gambit myself, I really admire those who have mastered the game of chess. It's no easy feat! 


World Teacher's Day
Ending the week, we celebrated World Teachers Day. A day used to express gratitude and admiration for the remarkable work the staff at this school do every day.

As principal, I am privileged to witness our teachers' dedication, passion, and commitment to our students' education and wellbeing. Your tireless efforts go beyond the classroom, as you mentor, inspire, and nurture our young minds, helping them become true IB learners. Please know that your work does not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

I am also privileged to witness the dedication of our support staff. From our amazing facilities staff who maintain our facilities with care and pride to the administrative professionals who keep our administrative tasks organised, our teacher aides who work feverishly behind the scene, our refectory staff who nourish our students' bodies and our cleaners who keep our school in excellent shape – you are all integral to our mission of providing quality education.

Staff Morning Tea.png

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Last reviewed 04 March 2024
Last updated 04 March 2024