Final Assembly and Year 12 Walkout
This week, we celebrated one of the most significant milestones in the QASMT journey: the farewell to our Year 12 students. On Monday morning, we held their Final Assembly, where the entire school came together to reflect on their contributions and achievements. The Year 12 students entered the auditorium to a standing ovation, applauded by their peers and teachers for the last time. It was a proud moment to recognise their hard work and growth over the years.

During the assembly, students and staff got to experience the annual Staff and Student music videos, where our Year 12 cohort and our staff each made a music video parodying a popular song of the year in regards to learning the IB. We also announced Newton House as the winning house for 2024, a testament to their dedication and teamwork throughout the year. Congratulations to all Newton students and staff for this well-earned achievement!

Following the assembly, we held the Year 12 Walkout, a cherished tradition that symbolises the end of our students' QASMT journey. With the entire school gathering the courtyard, the Year 12s made their final lap, greeted by claps, cheers, and heartfelt goodbyes. It was an emotional and memorable moment for everyone involved, as we wished them all the best in the exciting futures that lie ahead.

Valedictory Night
On Monday evening, we gathered at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre to officially farewell the Class of 2024 at our Valedictory Night. This prestigious event began with students mingling, taking photos, and enjoying time with family, friends, and teachers in celebration of a significant milestone. The entire cohort then came together for the traditional whole-cohort photo, capturing their bond one final time.

The formal part of the evening began with the students entering the hall in a procession, their final entrance as IB students before leaving as graduates, welcomed inside by our MCs for the evening, our 2025 Academy Captains Jessica and Milana. The night included a heartfelt address from myself, reflecting on the incredible journey of this cohort, and a moving guest speech from QASMT alumni Keri-Lyn, who shared inspiring words about resilience, ambition, and seizing opportunities beyond school. A highlight of the evening was a nostalgic video montage, capturing their transformation from eager Year 7 students to confident Year 12 graduates.

Each of our eight houses was called to the stage in turn, with their names read out by their House Deans. As they walked up to accept their certificates, the pride on their faces was evident - it was a moment of accomplishment for both the students and the staff who have supported them on this journey. This cohort holds a special place in our school's history as the first group to have joined QASMT in Year 7, making their journey a particularly meaningful one for our community.

The Valedictory Night was a fitting farewell for an extraordinary group of students. I extend my deepest congratulations to the Class of 2024 for everything they have achieved and look forward to seeing the amazing things they will accomplish in the future.

Instrumental Morning Concert
On Tuesday morning, the courtyard outside M Block came alive with music during our morning Instrumental Concert. Students, parents, and staff gathered to enjoy performances by our talented strings ensembles and bands. This uplifting event provided a perfect way to start the day, showcasing the musical skills and dedication of our students. The atmosphere was vibrant and the performances brought joy to all who attended. A huge thank you to our music department and students for their hard work in preparing such a delightful event!