IB Exams
I want to start this week off by saying good luck to all students currently sitting their final IB examinations. It's a very important time of year and can be very stressful for many. I'm confident in all of our students' capabilities and want you all to know that you are a magnificent cohort. You've got this!
Reminder that IB exams are running each day until the 10th of November.
Ich ❤️ Deutsch!
This week we wrap up Oktoberfest 2023. Over the month of October, the talented and passionate German teachers and students had the chance to celebrate with various German festivities, including German music, dance routines and of course food. It has been a great celebration of lunch time activities.

Miskin Cup Winners
Over the past two weeks, QASMT and BBC have gone head-to-head in Volleyball and Debating, vying to take home the Miskin Cup.

The most recent debating contest was a tight competition, with all debates leading to a split decision, that eventually resulted in a 2-1 loss. I was able to sit in for the debate arguing: “Government should control rental prices for residential purposes", and I must say the amount of intellect in that room was astounding. I am so proud of our teams!

I am excited to announce that QASMT has officially won the 2023 Miskin Cup, after bringing home the win in Soccer and Volleyball.
A huge congratulations to the students who represented QASMT, and to the students supporting. I am blown away by our school spirit, and I am so proud to be SMT!
During the ARC meeting this week, the students brainstormed and wrote down what leadership meant to them. They explored their own meaning of leadership and were presented with their peers' perspectives on leadership. This type of activity helps to develop leadership skills and enables leaders to be more effective in their roles.