Exam block for Years 9-11
This week our students from Years 9 – 11 completed their final assessments and exams for the year. I would like to congratulation all students for their efforts, maturity and dedication towards their studies.

Final day for Year 10
A very big farewell to our Year 10 cohort who had their final day of the year this Friday! I hope you all have a fantastic holiday and arrive in 2024 ready to start the IB.
FTC Robotics Tour of Gilmour Space Technology
Gilmour Space Technologies is the leading launch services company in Australia – specialising in Australian-made launch vehicles and satellite platforms. Our very fortunate FTC Robotics team were able to get an insider's look and tour of the spectacular facilities. Students were able to enjoy the real-world applications of robotics and were inspired by the work of real engineers and scientists.

QASMT Christmas Party
The Christmas party is a lovely occasion for all staff to socially get together, outside of the school environment, to celebrate and reflect on the great year we have had.