Year 9 Calling Ceremony
This week, our Year 9 students took part in a Calling Ceremony marking the culmination of their Middle Years journey and their transition into Senior Years. This significant milestone invited students to reflect on the learning experiences, personal growth, and self-discovery that has shaped them over the past few years.

A central part of the ceremony involved reflecting on themselves as IB learners, with students identifying attributes they wish to leave behind. In a symbolic gesture, they wrote these down and cast them into a fire, letting go of aspects they wish to change or grow beyond. The ceremony closed with a slideshow of photos from their camp, sparking laughter and nostalgia as students enjoyed glimpses into moments captured with friends.

Student Leadership Workshop
At the end of Week 4, the future Academy Captains, House Captains, and Portfolio Captains gathered for a two-day leadership workshop. The workshop was an immersive experience focused on understanding the responsibilities, teamwork, and vision that come with being a leader.

Through a mix of teambuilding exercises and leadership activities, students explored what it takes to inspire, communicate effectively, and lead by example within the school community. With the skills and insights gained, our 2025 student leaders are now better prepared for the opportunities and challenges of their upcoming roles, ready to make a positive impact at QASMT.
TOK Exhibition
The Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition by Year 11 students was held in Upper L Block, offering a chance for Year 10 and 11 students, as well as teachers, to engage with thought-provoking topics and perspectives.

Each exhibition highlighted students' critical exploration of knowledge, including the methods and sources through which we acquire it. Attendees viewed the Year 11s studies and engaged in conversations with them, gaining insights into the concepts they investigated. The exhibition was an invaluable opportunity for students to exchange ideas and broaden their understanding of TOK concepts within the IB curriculum.

Whole Staff Morning Tea
This week's Staff Morning Tea brought a festive Halloween theme to the Staff Wellbeing Room. Hosted by our dedicated support staff and the Science Department, the event featured Halloween-inspired treats, creating a fun, seasonal atmosphere where staff could relax, connect, and enjoy the tasty treats. The morning tea celebrated the hard work of our staff and the supportive community spirit that contributes so much to QASMT, reinforcing a sense of camaraderie among colleagues.

STEM Tour CAS Showcase
In light of the recent STEM Tour trips to Europe and Japan, our Year 11 students gathered to share their CAS projects, presenting on their unique travel experiences and insights from the tour. Each group prepared a creative exhibit showcasing their visits to historic sites, science museums, and advanced research facilities, demonstrating their personal growth and experiences through language immersion and international collaboration. The afternoon was a fantastic opportunity for students to reflect with peers, chaperones and the school community.